3 Exercises for Better Vision

Most people believe that better vision is only possible with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.. Corrective lenses, however, do nothing to cure vision problems, and eyesight usually becomes worse over time.. Eye surgery doesn't always correct vision and is potentially risky, sometimes leading to permnent damage. Fortunately, there are natural treatments which can cure poor eyesight. The problem is that these methods are disregarded or dismissed by doctors and optometrists who wish people will continue to buy glasses and risk their eyes with surgery. To get an idea of what the alternatives are, try these simple exercises first. They could improve your vision dramatically in a relatively short time.

1) Eye Chart Exercise

The purpose of the eye chart exercise is to exercise the eye to a healthy practice of shifting instead of central fixation. Hang the eye chart and move back to a distance at which you can read the first four lines. Look at the first letter, close your eyes, and then try to visualize the letter in your mind. when you get a clear picture, Then, instead of a static letter,, try imagining it slowly swinging. Repeat this procedure with all of the letters in the first four lines.

2) Palming

Palming is a very important eye exercise. People assume that their eyes rest when they sleep. Actually, during dreams, they keep moving and work as if the person was awake. Therefore, proper rest is important. To practice covering, find a quiet, comfortable place. Cover your eyes with your hands, and try to get as relaxed as you can. Listen to soothing music, or try to visualize your favorite landscape. It is recommended, to perform covering for fifteen minutes at a time, or three times a day for five minutes.

3) Tiny Letters

The tiny writing exercise requires the eye to use its central vision. The eyes and the mind should be very relaxed to avoid strain on the eye when reading the tiny writing. Print out some text in font size 4 or 3. It should be black text on white paper. Hold it up to your eyes and read it in a slow, relaxed manner. Make sure you blink often and look away at a distant point once in awhile.

Eye exercises have two basic purposes: to teach good vision habits and to exercise the eye muscles. They don't take long to do, but you do have to do them regularly, daily if possible. If you do consistently practice an eye exercise program, your vision is likely to improve faster than you ever thought possible.

Natural Clear Vision is a comprehensive eye care and vision restoration program for anyone and everyone who is sick and tired of having to settle for less in life because they have poor eyesight. To discover how to achieve perfect 20/20 vision naturally without glasses, contact lenses, or expensive surgeries, click here!
3 Exercises for Better Vision 3 Exercises for Better Vision Reviewed by Nature in The World on 04:00 Rating: 5

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