5 Exercises to Improve Your Vision
Exercising the small muscles of the eyes can be an effective treatment for many common vision problems, such as myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism, lazy eye, crossed eye, poor night vision, and light sensitivity. Eye exercises are designed to both strengthen the eye muscles and teach them to relax. A daily eye exercise program can result in vision improvements in 30 to 60 days. The following five eye exercises are easy to do and proven to be effective.
1) Blinking
Blinking is a simple way to keep your eyes fresh and able to focus properly. Dry eyes can cause blurry vision, headaches, and eye strain and often results from excessive TV or computer use. That’s because the average blinking rate drops from 16-20 blinks per minute to 6-8 blinks per minute when focused on the screen. Onee way to combat this is to blink more often, especially when working at the computer. This lubricates and refreshes the eye and ready to receive new visual data.
2) Figure Eight
The Figure Eight is used to exercise your eye muscles and increase their flexibility. To perform the Figure Eight exercise, imagine a large figure eight about ten feet in front of you. Then turn the figure eight on its side. Next, trace the figure eight with your eyes, slowly. Do it one way ten times, and then do it the other way ten times.
4) Near Far Focus
Begin by puttingyour thumb ten inches in front of your eyes, focus on it for three seconds, and then move your eyes to an object about twenty feet away and focus on it for another three seconds. Keep moving your focus from near to far. Try coordinating the focusing with your breath: focus near while breathing in, focus far while breathing out. This exercise will strengthen the muscles of your eyes and improve your vision overall.
4) Palming
Palming is done to reduce stress around the eyes and as a way to relax your eyes. To perform palming, cover your eyes with your hands and observe the darkness in front of your face. Be certain that you are not touching your eyelids with your palms.
5) Zooming
Zooming strengthens your focusing ability and the eye muscles generally. Start by stretching your arm in front of you with the thumb pointing up. Focus your eyes on the thumb and start moving it toward your nose. When you reach your nose, move your arm away until it's fully stretched out again. Keep your focus on the thumb and repeat ten times.
It's not necessary to perform all five exercises at one time. Just be sure to do all five at least once daily. If you find one exercise more difficult and dislike doing it, that's probably the one your eyes need the most.
Natural Clear Vision is a comprehensive eye care and vision restoration program for anyone and everyone who is sick and tired of having to settle for less in life because they have poor eyesight. To discover how to achieve perfect 20/20 vision naturally without glasses, contact lenses, or expensive surgeries, click here!
1) Blinking
Blinking is a simple way to keep your eyes fresh and able to focus properly. Dry eyes can cause blurry vision, headaches, and eye strain and often results from excessive TV or computer use. That’s because the average blinking rate drops from 16-20 blinks per minute to 6-8 blinks per minute when focused on the screen. Onee way to combat this is to blink more often, especially when working at the computer. This lubricates and refreshes the eye and ready to receive new visual data.
2) Figure Eight
The Figure Eight is used to exercise your eye muscles and increase their flexibility. To perform the Figure Eight exercise, imagine a large figure eight about ten feet in front of you. Then turn the figure eight on its side. Next, trace the figure eight with your eyes, slowly. Do it one way ten times, and then do it the other way ten times.
4) Near Far Focus
Begin by puttingyour thumb ten inches in front of your eyes, focus on it for three seconds, and then move your eyes to an object about twenty feet away and focus on it for another three seconds. Keep moving your focus from near to far. Try coordinating the focusing with your breath: focus near while breathing in, focus far while breathing out. This exercise will strengthen the muscles of your eyes and improve your vision overall.
4) Palming
Palming is done to reduce stress around the eyes and as a way to relax your eyes. To perform palming, cover your eyes with your hands and observe the darkness in front of your face. Be certain that you are not touching your eyelids with your palms.
5) Zooming
Zooming strengthens your focusing ability and the eye muscles generally. Start by stretching your arm in front of you with the thumb pointing up. Focus your eyes on the thumb and start moving it toward your nose. When you reach your nose, move your arm away until it's fully stretched out again. Keep your focus on the thumb and repeat ten times.
It's not necessary to perform all five exercises at one time. Just be sure to do all five at least once daily. If you find one exercise more difficult and dislike doing it, that's probably the one your eyes need the most.
Natural Clear Vision is a comprehensive eye care and vision restoration program for anyone and everyone who is sick and tired of having to settle for less in life because they have poor eyesight. To discover how to achieve perfect 20/20 vision naturally without glasses, contact lenses, or expensive surgeries, click here!
5 Exercises to Improve Your Vision
Reviewed by Nature in The World

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