3 Underground Penis Enlargement Methods Most Men Don't Know About

Many men are dissatisfied and even embarrassed about the size of their penis. Nevertheless, most of those men are skeptical about the safety and effectiveness of pills, pumps, and surgery. What these men don't know about are the underground methods that men just like them are using to increase the size of their penis - sometimes by as much as four inches! Here are three underground penis enlargement methods that most men have never heard of..

Method #1: Jelqing

Jelqing has been practiced for centuries (and possibly more). There are actually depictions of what appears to be jelqing dating back to Egyptian times. Sometimes jelqing is referred to as "milking" since it involves wrapping your thumb and index finger around your penis when it's semi-erect and repeatedly moving your fingers away from your body to force blood into your penis. Jelqing is natural, easy to do, and quite effective for increasing both length and girth. My article Exercise for Bigger Erections explains more about jelqing.

Method #3: Penis Stretching

Penis stretching isn't just a single exercise. However, all penis stretching exercises stretch the tissues of your penis to make it longer. Here is a sample penis stretch:
  • Grasp your penis head.
  • Stretch it upwards.
  • Count to ten.
Perform this stretch daily for five minutes. You can also stretch your penis to the left and right for the same amount of time My article Exercise for Longer Erections describes penis stretching in more detail.

Method #3:: Kegal Exercises

Kegel exercises don't exercise the penis directly. Instead, they target the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. Kegels give harder erections and a larger penis head size due to increased blood-holding capacity. To perform Kegels squeeze your PC muscle 20-30 times. (The muscle you squeeze to stop the flow of urine is the PC muscle.) Increase the number of contractions to 100 as you become stronger. See my article Exercise for Harder Erections for a complete program of Kegel exercises.

You can put together your own penis enlargement program if you want. If you do, be sure to make jelqing the centerpiece. It's the king of penis enlargement exercises, but you should really do a variety. For the fastest gains with the least time and effort, a complete program is the best way to go.

Does having a small penis make you feel like less of a man? Just six minutes per day for a few short weeks, could give you a longer and thicker penis - and the "Big Man" confidence that goes with it. To learn more about the secrets behind these breathtaking new techniques, click here.
3 Underground Penis Enlargement Methods Most Men Don't Know About 3 Underground Penis Enlargement Methods Most Men Don't Know About Reviewed by Nature in The World on 03:00 Rating: 5

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