The Acid Reflux Honey Cure

 You can tell that acid reflux is a common condition because over-the-counter and prescription remedies are constantly advertised for it. Caitlin MacKenna says, however, that honey may be just as good a remedy if not better.
Acid reflux is a health problem that affects as many as 50 percent of Americans. The trademark symptom of acid reflux is heartburn, a burning sensation behind the breastbone that sometimes travels up the throat. Sometimes, this pain can be mistaken for a heart attack. Most people don't know that the lower esophageal sphincter is the tissue to blame for the condition. Most acid reflux is due to a damaged or weak sphincter. Read more
The Acid Reflux Honey Cure The Acid Reflux Honey Cure Reviewed by Nature in The World on 03:00 Rating: 5

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