Can Standing on One Leg Help Keep You Young?

Your ability to balance is an indicator of brain health. Learn some balance exercises that can help keep you young.
How good is your balance? Can you stand on one leg for 20 seconds? What about for a whole minute - or with your eyes closed?

It's something you might not have given much thought to before, but how well you can balance offers an insight into your general health.

A study published in the journal Stroke found that being unable to stand on one leg for more than 20 seconds was linked to an increased risk of 'silent' stroke - tiny bleeds in the brain that don't cause symptoms, but which raise the risk of both full-blown stroke and dementia. Read more
Can Standing on One Leg Help Keep You Young? Can Standing on One Leg Help Keep You Young? Reviewed by Nature in The World on 03:00 Rating: 5

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