High-Fat Diets Lead to Greater Weight Loss
For decades, dieters have believed doctors who insisted that a high-carb, low-fat diet is the key to weight loss. Recently however, an overwhelming amount of new evidence is turning the tide and changing the advice.
It has long been the modus operandi of dieters around the world - cut the fat and opt for 'lighter' foods to try and shift the pounds.
The NHS itself recommends eating plenty of potatoes, bread, rice and pasta with some milk and diary foods, but advises opting for low-fat options.
But now a growing body of evidence is turning the tide on that advice.
A vast collection of studies are changing the dieting landscape, as experts open their eyes to the real enemy targeting our waistlines - carbohydrates.
Now one dietitian, Dr Trudi Deakin, has revealed her diet is 82 per cent fat - and claims she has never felt healthier. Read more
High-Fat Diets Lead to Greater Weight Loss
Reviewed by Nature in The World
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