6 Reasons Why You Can't Out-Exercise a Bad Diet

The belief that if you can eat and drink as much and whatever you want if you exercise enough is still popular, but here are six reasons why it isn't true.
Sure, you could eat whatever you wanted in high school and stay thin as a rail. But unfortunately you’re not 17 anymore, and even if you work out ‘round the clock, you can’t transform your body if you constantly give in to cravings, high-fat foods, and sweet treats. The truth is, flat abs are made in the kitchen and no amount of cardio and crunches can sculpt a sleek physique if you maintain an unhealthy diet. Read more
6 Reasons Why You Can't Out-Exercise a Bad Diet 6 Reasons Why You Can't Out-Exercise a Bad Diet Reviewed by Nature in The World on 04:00 Rating: 5

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