Brain Training a Waste of Time

Unsurprisingly, a study has found that "brain training" is a waste of time.
Brain training computer games designed to boost the mental ability of elderly people are a waste of time and money, scientists have warned.

Companies which make handheld gadgets and games consoles have created a £640million global industry aimed at baby boomers entering their twilight years.

They claim to stimulate the brain, improve cognition and boost memory - and have in recent years been advertised by actors such as Nicole Kidman and Julie Walters. Read more
If you want to train your brain, the best way is to learn something new: study a foreign language, learn a musical instrument, or read a book. Playing computer games won't train your brain for anything except playing computer games.
Brain Training a Waste of Time Brain Training a Waste of Time Reviewed by Nature in The World on 15:54 Rating: 5

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